Start a Club
Everything you need to know about starting a club.
Being a Club Advisor
The Millionaire’s Club combines lessons designed to improve Club members’ personal finance skills with investment simulations, fun competitions, and an entrepreneurial project.
Clubs meet after school or as a “club-in-the-classroom” during the school day. Clubs typically consist of 15 to 50 students.
Lesson Plan
The Lesson Plan combines various components of the Millionaire’s Club so they flow together seamlessly. The Lesson Plan is made available as both a downloadable file and as an eBook.
Course Materials
- Money Management
- Borrowing
- Earning Power
- Investing
- Financial Services
- Insurance
Club members can engage in local, regional, and national competitions including The Stock Market Game™, The Personal Finance Challenge™, and The Economics Challenge™.
Nominal fees may apply to register for the Stock Market Game™.
Entrepreneurial Project
Your Club’s entrepreneurial project provides valuable hands-on experience in creating, planning, and running a micro “business.” The project allows Club members to develop organizational, marketing, and sales skills.
Initial seed funding from your credit union Sponsor will get your Club off the ground “…(see below) and proceeds fro your entrepreneurial project will sustain your Club and meet future expenses like Stock Market Game™ fees.

Club Sponsor
Millionaire’s Clubs benefit from a Club Sponsor, typically a community-based credit union.
Sponsors provide seed funding as detailed in a Club Agreement. Generally, sponsors provide Clubs with annual seed funding through the Club’s first three years. Afterward, Clubs are expected to become financially self-sufficient through their entrepreneurial project proceeds.
Sponsors provide occasional guest speaking engagements on topics like “selecting a financial institution,” “responsible borrowing,” “preventing identity theft,” etc.
Sponsors can also support Clubs by providing supplies such as Club banners, pins, t-shirts, etc.
Creating a School-Based Club
- Secure a Club Sponsor by reaching out to a local credit union. If you don’t have a connection with a Credit Union, use the National Credit Union Administration’s “Credit Union Locator” to find a credit union near you.
- Ask your Club’s Sponsor to register on this site to access tools to help them support your Club.
- Complete a Club Agreement and have it signed by all parties after agreeing with your Sponsor on Club funding (if any).
- If you need Bylaws for your Club, here’s a Bylaws template.
- If needed, recruit students to your Club using posters and print recruitment brochures.
- Schedule an official Club launch with your Sponsor and school administration (see Launch Day below)
- Talk with your Sponsor about a Club banner, available in the SHOP section of this site.
Launch Day
- Download a Sample Club Launch Agenda
- Work with your Sponsor on refreshments and presentation of your Club grant check, if funding is being provided.
- Introduce your Club Sponsor, thank the for their involvement, and have them welcome the student members.
- If your school’s administrator is available, have them say a few words.
- Take a photograph of the Club members with their new banner.
After Club Launch
- Work with your Sponsor to issue a news release announcing your new Club. Download and include it in your school’s newsletter and/or website. (sample article)
- Schedule guest speaking engagements with your Club’s Advisor.